Fine Line Wrinkles Around the Eyes

Fine Line Wrinkles Around the Eyes

Cause and Prevention

Overview of Fine Line Wrinkles

In our last article we discussed the formation of crow’s feet in this issue we will review the causes and prevention of fine line wrinkles that is present in many individuals over the age of twenty. Before a full-blown wrinkle appears, first comes the fine lines. Often you will notice these fine line in your late twenties and early thirties, so it’s important to have a good preventative skin care regiment to stop these lines before they develop into deep lines and furrows.

Fine line wrinkles may begin to appear in the mid to late 20’s, in others they may begin to appear in their 40’s. The most common age for developing fine line wrinkles is when a person reaches their early 30’s. If fine line wrinkles begin to develop in a person’s 20’s, it usually occurs because an individual is not actively engaged in a good skin care regiment and that they have exposed themselves a large amount of unprotected UV radiation because of sun or tanning beds. Fine line wrinkles around the eyes are a natural part of the aging process. When these lines begin to show up around the eyes, they can add years to your facial appearance. If these wrinkles are not addressed as soon as they are noticed, these fine lines will continue to develop and become a noticeable wrinkle that will grow longer and deeper with age. When these shallow wrinkles are noticed early, it is much easier to treat when they first appear versus trying to eliminate the deep troughs and furrows.

What are Fine Line Wrinkles

Not all wrinkles are created the same, there is a difference between a fine line wrinkle and other wrinkles. These two terms are used interchangeably, however there is a difference, the wrinkles are different in shape, length, depth, and size, they also appear on different areas of the face and are treated differently.

Facial wrinkles can be broken down into two types, static or dynamic wrinkles.

  • Static wrinkles are the ones that develop over time due to gravity and the loss of fat, collagen, and hyaluronic acid, which occurs in the dermal skin layer, all of which are responsible for providing volume and structure to the face. A fine line wrinkles would be classified as a static wrinkle, as we age our skin loses elasticity which is why certain body parts start drooping and wrinkles begin to form. One of the primary reasons for this is that our body’s production of elastin and collagen (two primary proteins that are responsible for the elasticity of our skin) lessens and declines as we age.
  • Dynamic wrinkles are formed from repeated facial movements like squinting, smiling, or furrowing your brow. Crow’s feet and brow furrows are classified as a dynamic wrinkles.

The most common cause of fine lines and wrinkles is the natural aging process of the body. The natural aging process is called intrinsic aging which is determined by your genetic makeup (our genes and chromosomes determine how fast or slow we age). As we age our skin gets thinner and loses elasticity which cause the skin to wrinkle and fold. As a result of intrinsic aging, fine lines and wrinkles generally occur between the ages of 30 to 35. Although we can’t stop the progression of intrinsic aging, we do have more control over extrinsic aging by selecting what activities in which we engage, environmental exposure, lifestyle, and habits. If we practice good habits, we can slow the aging process.

Fine line wrinkles are usually only on the skin’s surface and do not extend into the deeper skin layers like the dermis or subcutaneous layers. These fine lines are small and shallow and at times are hard to see. Fine lines are most frequently found around the eyes, they are first seen at the outer corners of the eyes and in the very thin skin under your eyes. Fine lines begin to appear on parts of the body that receive the most sun exposure which is usually the face. Fine lines are so superficial that they respond to treatments faster and easier than deeper wrinkles. Fortunately, mild cases of fine line wrinkles usually respond to treatment with over the counter creams and do not require any special attention from a medical professional.


Why Fine Lines Appear Around the Eyes Firsts

The skin around the eyes are more vulnerable to the development of fine line wrinkles than other facial areas due to many reasons.

The skin surrounding the eyes is very thin and the most fragile on the entire face. This fragile skin lay becomes thinner as we age and is especially vulnerable to unsightly age-related changes in appearance. Therefore, it is one of the first places that shows the visible signs of aging. Fine lines and wrinkles usually start somewhere in the eye area where there are a lot of blood vessels.

The delicate skin surrounding the eye area contains fewer subcutaneous fat tissue and as we age the fatty subcutaneous layer begins to loss fat and the skin surrounding the eyes becomes less plump with age. As a result, this thin area of skin is sensitive to stress from facial movements such as laughing and squinting that contribute to wrinkle development.

Because of this, the skin around your eyes is more susceptible to breaking down, it is lacking in sebaceous glands, collagen, and elastin fibers. meaning it’s more prone to developing fine lines and wrinkles, becoming looser, and thinner with age and the exposure to environmental elements. The tissue below the eyes is also missing a lot of essential elements that make your skin strong—this area has very little soft tissue like muscle and fat. This lack of supporting tissue increases the likelihood of the skin caving in. Making matters worse is the anatomical fact that the skin itself is literally covering the hollow space of the eye socket.

The skin around the eyes is under the strain of 22 muscles in perpetual motion and 10,000 blinks per day. Fine lines and deep wrinkles along with traces of tiredness can thus appear prematurely. With aging, the thick collagen network that gives skin the structural support begins to lose its integrity and elasticity. As we age the elasticity around the eyes lessens, and our skin is unable to bounce back to its original shape and structure as it once did when we were younger.

External factors such as exposure to sunlight increases the levels of enzymes that break down collagen in the skin. Collagen also comes under assault from internal processes in the body. One key factor is the destructive influence of glycation that occurs when simple sugars begin to attach themselves to the proteins in collagen. The resulting cross-linked collagen fibers lose their flexibility and strength, resulting in looseness of skin in this area.

The Biological Breakdowns that Cause Fine Line Wrinkles

In the section below is a more detailed version of the biological causes of fine line wrinkles around the eyes. These biological breakdowns are part of the aging process, we can delay the onset with good healthy habits, but unfortunately, we cannot delay these results forever.

  • Protein breakdown, over time our body loses its ability to produce and break down certain proteins, causing our skin to shrink. In the dermis layer, the production and accumulation of collagen a key structural skin protein begins to decrease. With the decline in collagen production our skin loses it support and suppleness. While we are young collagen breaks down at the same rates as it is being produced, but as we age collagen production slows and protein (collagen) degradation increases. The result is that as we age, we have less new collagen produced which basically means we have a lot less collagen in our skin for critical structural support necessary to keep the skin elastic.
  • Less fat, as we age, fat is decreased in our inner most skin layer called the subcutaneous layer. When the number of fat cells are reduced in the subcutaneous layer of the face, this reduction (the loss of fat) results in overall facial volume decrease, technically, this means that the same amount of skin we have on the face is now covering a lot less facial area, hence we form wrinkles, furrows, creases, sagging skin, and the dreaded crow’s feet.
  • Sebum reduction, the older we get the slower our sebaceous glands produce sebum or oil for the skin, especially around the eyes where the skin is thin, with the lack of sebaceous glands in this area, the retention of moisture is reduced and the oil that helps shield this delicate area from free radicals is reduced making fine line wrinkles less preventable. Moisture is a key element in preventing fine line wrinkles. When skin is dry and brittle, it is prone to structural manipulation.
  • Fewer GAG’s, you may ask what is a GAG? Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) are water binding sugar molecules found between the dermis and epidermis skin layers. The GAG’s are responsible for giving skin its plumpness by filling the space between collagen and elastin fibers, providing support and keeping them plump and upright. The loss of GAGs is a contributing factor to the development of fine line wrinkles. The skin has less water and volume, and eventually becomes deflated and prone to wrinkle development.

Prevention of Fine Line Wrinkles

Below are a few suggestions that when practiced regularly can slow down the extrinsic aging process while also slowing down the formation and elimination of fine line wrinkles. If you are in your early 20’s and 30’s and consistently follow a good skin care regiment incorporating these suggestions, can delay the development of fine line wrinkles for many years. If you are over the age of 30 then it is critical that you adhere to these suggestions to slow the progression and development of new and existing wrinkles.

  • Wear sunscreen. The best way to prevent the development of fine line wrinkles. Unprotected sun exposure is the number one cause of premature aging. According to, 90% of visible skin aging is caused by sun exposure and subsequent damage. Exposure to UVA and UVB sun rays lead to an acceleration of wrinkle formation and weakening of skin vitality. UV exposure compromises the skin’s texture and breaks down collagen and elastin which leads to sagging and wrinkles. Start wearing a minimum of SPF 30 broad-spectrum sunscreen every time you go outside. UV rays can penetrate car windows and even on cloudy days you are exposed to UV radiation. When using a sunscreen, it is recommended that you put your eye cream and moisturizer on first then your sunscreen.
  • Wear sunglasses. The use of sunglasses is critical in keeping your facial muscles relaxed while in the sun, therefore you will not be squinting. Sunglasses will aid in the prevention and stop the acceleration of developing fine lines wrinkles around the eyes. Also, good sunglasses will help block some of the damaging UV rays.
  • Give up Alcohol. Ok, giving up that glass of wine or two nightly may not be negotiable. Remember that many alcoholic beverages are high in sugar content. Less sugar will begin to pay dividends because less glycation occurs which destroys the collagen and its structural support system.
  • Foods for the skin. By following a well thought out diet plan you can affect how your skin will stay younger looking for years. Try to have a diet that is high in fats but remember to stay with the good fats. Unsaturated fats offer more overall benefits for the body which includes lower cholesterol levels and a reduced risk of heart disease, and they also keep your face soft and volumized. To prevent the development of fine lines, choose foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, nuts and seeds, extra virgin olive oil, and avocados.
  • Watch your sugar intake. To prevent fine lines, avoid consumption of a large amount of sugar. High sugar levels in the bloodstream bind to collagen, rendering it dysfunctional through a process called glycation. Sugar also generates inflammation, which releases enzymes that break down protein.
  • Don’t over wash your face. When washing your face avoid using harsh or hot tap water which strips skin of essential moisture, natural oils, and the protective lipids which help prevent fine line wrinkles. When you cleanse your face too often, the protective skin barrier is also washed away. Once you finish cleansing your face it is recommended that you immediately follow up with a good moisturizer to rehydrate the skin.
  • Moisturize. Every morning and night moisturize to keep your skin hydrated and minimize fine lines and wrinkles. Properly hydrated skin is plumper, which helps mask wrinkles and makes the skin appear more youthful.
  • Exfoliate the delicate skin around the eyes. To battle the formation of fine lines it is best to use a light exfoliating product around the eyes to shed the dead skin and encourage new cells to form. The new cells provide skin with more volume which fills in the wrinkles. To exfoliate this delicate area, it is best to remove the dead cells gently with ingredients such as chemical peels or enzymes rather than a physical scrub. One of the best exfoliants for delicate skin is the use of glycolic acid. Exfoliating with glycolic acid promotes new collagen growth, which also adds volume to the dermis.
  • Use facial creams that contain natural acids. Use facial creams that contain natural acids are great for removing the outer layer of dead skin cell on the epidermis. Shedding the top layer of dead skin from the epidermis will expose the younger and healthier cells which are just below, and this new layer of healthy young skin cells will help boost the skin’s collagen production, which provides a natural treatment for fine lines. These natural acids are sometimes referred to as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and the ones that are most popular in facial care products are, citric acid, tartaric acid, and glycolic acid.
  • Plumping products. To get rid of fine lines, consider products that plump up the skin without injections and fillers. Search for water binding ingredients known as humectant which act to keep moisture on the surface of the skin, and they mimic the effect of GAG’s within the dermal fluid, keeping the skin cells plump and upright. You can reduce the appearance of fine lines and smooth out wrinkles with moisturizing daily. The most popular humectants used in skin care products are hyaluronic acid, glycerin, sorbitol, propylene or butylene glycol.
  • Make-Up Rules. Always use a thin layer of primer before your foundation to fill out fine lines and smooth skin, then choose a light make up, rather than a thick, matte one
  • Give Your Face a Workout. Boost muscle tone and encourage blood flow to the skin by gently rubbing the area around your eye sockets to the temples

Ingredients in Facial Care Products that Reduce Fine Line Wrinkles

When looking for facial care products that can help eliminate fine line wrinkles it is important that you select products that have ingredients that are beneficial in solving the fine line wrinkle problem. When making your skin care selection look for products that have the following ingredients to be listed on the product. These ingredients listed below are proven fine line wrinkle fighters.

  • Retinol and Retinoids. These products were first used for the control of acne but soon became very popular as an anti-aging skin treatment. Retinol and retinoids stimulate cellular turnover and regrowth, so they visibly improve overall skin texture within weeks. The advantage of these products is that they’re available in many skin care products.
  • Eye creams with Antioxidants. Many eye creams that help prevent fine line wrinkles will contain vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E which are antioxidants that provide some sun protection and will mildly improve the appearance of fine line wrinkles.

    Vitamin A (beta carotene) is the most popular and proven successful product in the prevention of fine lines and other wrinkles. Vitamin A has two derivatives that are proven wrinkle fighters, retinoid and retinol. Retinoid and retinol reduce the depth of the wrinkle crevice which extend below the epidermis and into the dermis. Retinol and retinoid also increase skin’s thickness, reduces pigmentation, improves texture, and helps fight acne.

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) protects the skin against UV damage and stimulates collagen production. Vitamin C is also a lightening agent so those who suffer from dark under eye circles can lighten the appearance of these circles.

    Vitamin E (tocopherol) helps prevent and delay sun damage while repairing the damage caused by free radicals.

  • Hyaluronic acid. This is a moisturizing humectant, which means it grabs moisture and holds it to your skin’s surface to deliver hydration.
  • Peptides. Peptides are short chain amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. These tiny particles make the body think they are little pieces of broken collagen. The body reacts to the peptides and within the dermis skin layer and begins to make more collagen to replace the broken collagen that has been detected. The introduction of peptides into an eye cream will aid in the synthesis of collagen production and assist with essential cellular activities which help fight fine line development and will smooth out existing wrinkles.
  • Soy Extract. It will beat dehydration and lock in moisture and smooth out fine lines
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA). AHA help speed up your skin’s natural exfoliation process overnight for efficient cell turnover and smoother fresher looking skin.
  • Wheat Germ Extract. This ingredient helps fight inflammation, a key cause of early wrinkles by calming the skin and helping it maintain its healthy balance.
  • Other Ingredients to look for: Alpha lipoic acid, Argan Oil, Argireline, Copper Peptides, and Matrixyl,

Profession Treatment Options for Fine Line Wrinkles

Fine line wrinkles are superficial and very shallow in nature, it may not be necessary to visit a physician to treat these types of wrinkles. However, listed below are the options that are available to physicians that enables them to eliminate the appearance of fine line wrinkles.

  • Chemical Peels. A chemical peel can erase some of the fine lines that may eventually deepen into a larger wrinkle. If you have uneven skin tone, rough skin texture, as well as fine line wrinkles, a peel may be a good option to consider. Peels range from mild alpha-hydroxy acids to a more intense treatments that renews skin at a deeper level. When glycolic acid is used by a physician for a chemical peel, a higher percentage (concentration) of glycolic acid is used than what can be found in home cosmetic products. The procedure takes less than 10 minutes to complete and the acid will begin to peel and remove the dead skin in two to three minutes. Using a higher concentration of glycolic acid will enable a deep skin level penetration and this will smooth out the fine lines.
  • Retin A. Another very popular treatment used to reduce and eliminate fine lines is Retin-A (tretinoin topical) a prescription product that can only be prescribed by physicians. Retin-A is also another form of vitamin A that helps renew and regulate new cell growth. The anti-aging benefit of this very popular prescription product is the stimulation of collagen and the improvement of skin texture.
  • Wrinkle Relaxing Injectables. Several options are available including Botox, Dysport and Xeomin which are injections and repeat injections every 3 to 6 months.
  • Microneedling or Collagen Induction Therapy. This is beneficial for fine line. Tiny needles poke holes into your skin in the treatment area. These holes will then stimulate the collagen beneath them to repair itself, smoothing out your lines.
  • Dermabrasion. This procedure “sands” the skin and makes a big difference in skin appearance.
  • Laser Resurfacing. A laser is used to stimulate the skin’s production of collagen, which plumps up the skin.
  • Ultrasound Therapy. A technique which uses ultrasound to lift and tighten skin on the face, neck, and chin.

Fade 2 Normal for the Reduction and Elimination of Fine Line Wrinkles

Fade 2 Normal is a multipurpose eye cream by Feneaux Beauty Care. Fade 2 Normal eye cream has seven distinct functions that improves the look and beauty of the skin surrounding the eyes. Fade 2 Normal has been formulated to fight the appearance of existing fine line wrinkles and to prevent new wrinkle development in the future.

Fade 2 Normal works in two ways, first, it works externally (on the skin’s surface) to remove existing wrinkles and secondly it works internally (along the epidermal and dermal skin layer junction) to fill in those ugly existing wrinkles and to prevent new wrinkles from forming.

Externally, Fade 2 Normal incorporates a fast acting botanical that immediately firms the skin. Upon first application, within minutes you will see a reduction in fine line wrinkles. The skin around the eyes begin to firm, reducing the length and depth of these annoying wrinkles. As the skin is being firmed the existing wrinkles are micro-lifted upwards and they begin to fade away in minutes.

Internally, Fade 2 Normal has been infused with powerful peptides that builds the basement floor of existing wrinkles making them more shallow in appearance and they slowly begin to fade away in weeks you will look younger and your skin smoother. Our peptides accelerate the production and synthesis of collagen and elastin which helps fill in those unwanted wrinkles in weeks.

Retinol has been incorporated into the formula, a proven wrinkle fighting ingredient that eliminates crow’s feet and fine line wrinkles in days.

Fade 2 Normal is also beneficial for the elimination of crow’s feet, dark circles surrounding the eyes, under eye bags and swelling, and the reduction of hooding upper eyelids. Fade 2 Normal has been formulated to give the skin 24 hours of hydration and to keep skin soft, smooth, and supple.

For best results, use twice a day for two months.

If you are noticing fine line wrinkles and the development of crow’s feet, your best solution is Fade 2 Normal. In just a few short weeks your skin will look smoother, firmer, more radiant and the wrinkles will begin to fade away.

  1. How to Get Rid of Crow’s Feet (and Prevent Them in the First Place) Jen Adkins, 04/15/2019, Health and Wellness
  2. Crow’s Feet: What Is It and How to Treat It with Botox?, Bradford S. Patt, FACS, Houston Center for Facial Plastic Surgery
  3. How to Get Rid of Crow’s Feet by John Barrymore
  4. How to Get Rid of Crow’s Feet, Colorscience
  5. What Causes Crow’s Feet? Plus, How to Treat and Prevent Them, Dermstore Editors, March 21, 2016
  6. Retin-A for Wrinkles: The Foundation of Youth in a Tube? By Jedha Dening, December 10, 2018, (
  7. Retin-A, Medically reviewed by, July 22, 2019
  8. How to Remove Fine Lines and Wrinkles in the Face,, Sandra Ketcham
  9. How to Prevent Fine Line, Laura Potter, August 08/2014
  10. What’s the Difference Between Fine Lines and Wrinkles? Skin by Lovely, July 30, 2017, Anti-Aging
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